Topic one
The theme that I found to be most prominent in my readings was family feuds. We see this through out the book of Genesis but it really caught my attention in chapter 37. All I have to say is poor Joseph. I honestly feel bad for him because it is not his fault that his father favors him more over his other siblings. Because of this favoritism his brothers hated him. They hated how he received a coat of many colors and they hated him because of the things he would lecture them about. They started to feel as if Joseph thought lower of them, but he didn't at all. The brothers decided to do something horrific to Joseph. They thought about killing him which has been a common act throughout Genesis, but decided to sell him instead and pretend that he was killed by some animal. I do not agree with all of the favoritism that goes on in this story, but I can certainly relate to it. Although I'm the second born in my family I do always feel like I am the favorite because I usually get what I want, but I do no that is not completely true because my older brother could get what ever he wants, he just never asks for anything, but all in all my parents do love both of us equally and I wish that was portrayed more in these mythical stories.
Topic two
The second theme that I found to be interesting was death and forgiveness. At the end of the chapter and the completion of the story Joseph dies and is finally with god. His brothers are sadden by his death because they know they weren't the kindest to him. Joseph is quite understanding and has no grudge on his brothers for treating him poorly he basically forgives them. I think this takes a very unselfish person to forgive so easily. I know of people who have had problems with there siblings and it takes some time for them to forgive one another. I would be the same way. I don't forgive that easily especially when I have been betrayed so badly.
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