Sunday, April 22, 2012

Decameron 2

After reading the assigned readings I chose to discuss the third day first story and the fifth day eighth story.  I chose these two stories because they both had to do with love and lust.  I found that those two themes were very common in the other readings that we read for class.  In the readings of the third day first story I was surprised at what I was reading.  That a man would come into a convent looking for a job just to have access to these woman, but I found it to be so weird that he would lust for something that he knew would be impossible to achieve.  Nuns make a promise to Jesus and god not to in cage in sexual behavior, but of course everyone has erges.  I just don't think there promise to Jesus and god is genuine especially when your having those kinds of thoughts and feelings.  It makes me question the things people will do just to gain some sort of satisfaction.  These nuns risk there faith and morals and the guy involved doesn't risk anything.  He gets to feel like he rules the world because hes sleeping with every nun at the convent.  In the readings of the fifth day eight story it depicts a different kind of love.  An evil kind of love.  Like if the woman doesn't get what she wants the man must pay and the man in this case is the innocent one who is just wanting love and affection.

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