Sunday, April 1, 2012

Troubadours/ Trobairitz

After reading the assigned readings for tomorrow I chose two poems from each passage that I found to be quite interesting.  The first one being on page 147 of the Trobairitz.  This poem that I selected is from lines 9-17.  The poems theme is about moving on from rejection and loss of interest.  The pour guy here just lost the love of his life and does not know how to handle the situation.  He seems to be sick of her showing no interest in him and is just in distraught.  I ind this part of the readings to be interesting because girls always assume that the guy is the bad one in the relationship and that everything that went wrong in the relationship is the guys fault.  In most situations that is the case, but this poem made me see the other side and it was really the girl who was doing all the heart ache.  The second poem I chose to discuss from Troubadours was on page 85 numeral two.   The theme in this poem is again coping with heartache.  I felt that I could personally relate to this poem.  I really feel like most men in this world have no respect for women. Maybe it has to do with the selection of men at this University, but none of them can be trusted.  They're all just looking for one thing and will do anything to get it even if it means hurting a girl you really like.    They say they care about you and that they want this relationship to evolve and in the end it is all just talk and they screw you over some way some how.  Just like in the poem she was so in love with this guy and what does he do? He cheats on her because one girl just isn't enough for him.  I don't understand guys.  Why do they have to cheat? Cant they just simply end things with the girlfriend and then meet someone new.  It has to do with confidence and security.  Guys cheat mostly because they obviously don't have feelings for the person anymore or they just want the best of both worlds, but I realized something else this weekend. I realized that guys cheat because they are extremely insecure with there own feelings.  They automatically assume that the girl must be talking to a bunch of guys so they feel in order to gain the control back I'm going to cheat on her before she even gets the chance to do it to me.  Its like the guy would rather hurt her before he evers allows her to hurt him.
These two poems relate because they both have to do with one person hurting the other person.  When it comes to be a gender thing, I think that the guy does get most of the blame for things because they are truly the ones who are messing up the relationship most of the time, but I also think girls should take responsibility for there own actions as well.  I've realized that through some rocky relationships because I'm for sure not perfect and I have done things that hurt the one I loved.  I think being in love is a great thing but when its abused it can turn into a nightmare. The worst feeling I have ever felt is getting over someone you love.  Its so hard too because you care about that person so much and you really like them, but they just don't treat you right.  It's hard to just let it go.

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